Inquiring minds about mileage rates will be happy to learn of the following new rates that came out December 19, 2024:
Beginning Jan. 1, 2025, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car, van, pickup or panel truck will be:
Payment of the IRS standard rates noted above is deemed to be reasonable and sufficient reimbursement. If the employer chooses to pay rates lower than the standard IRS rates, the employer must be able to prove that the chosen rates fully compensated employees for their travel-related costs (including fuel, insurance, repairs and depreciation). Remember that providing a fuel card is not considered sufficient reimbursement, as fuel is only one component of reimbursable travel expenses.
You can find additional information about the 2025 IRS rates here.
For questions regarding reimbursement of employee expenses, or assistance with other employment law issues, contact the attorneys at LightGabler LLP..
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