Effective March 19, 2020, Governor Newson has issued a "Stay at Home" order for the State of California to stop the spread of COVID-19 in the state, warning that up to 56% of the state's population is at risk of contracting the virus. The order followed a "safer at home" order issued by the City of Los Angeles and a "shelter in place" order issued in the San Francisco Bay Area. The text of the order can be found here.
The order references those activities that may continue operations because they are deemed necessary to maintain "continuity of operations of the federal critical infrastructure sectors" identified by the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency ("CISA"). While the Governor's order is vague as to the essential services excluded from the order, a review of CISA's guidance on businesses that fall within the critical sectors provides greater detail. To review a detailed list of examples of critical infrastructure business activities included within the relevant sectors, review CISA's guidance publication here.
It is important to recognize, as noted by CISA itself, that this guidance is not determinative and is intended merely to provide examples of essential business functions. Local governments may issue additional guidance and restrictions which supersede these categories. Employers should review and comply with local health and safety orders as well. In addition, other business activities may be considered essential even if not specifically included on this list.
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