Shortly after California ended its COVID-19 State of Emergency, the California Department of Public Health ("CDPH") announced updates to several public health orders which will impact health care workers and Californians at large. According to the CDPH, these updates change current standards related to “vaccination, masking, isolation, and quarantine.”
Some of these updates take effect on March 13, 2023; others become effective on April 3, 2023. You can view the CDPH press release here. To review a full copy of the CDPH order, click here.
A summary of the most relevant changes is below.
The revised CDPH Order will implement several changes, including modified guidance on ending isolation for COVID-19 cases, an updated infectious period definition, and the addition of a “confirmed case” definition. According to the CDPH, “These changes for the general public bring the CDPH into alignment with the federal CDC’s isolation recommendations.” The following changes for the general public will take place as of March 13, 2023:
Unlike the changes addressed for the health care community below, the CDPH masking guidance for the general public remains unchanged. The CDPH notes that everyone, “Regardless of the COVID-19 community levels, [should]: [1] Wear a mask around others if you have respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, runny nose, and/or sore throat), [2] Consider wearing a mask in indoor areas of public transportation (such as in airplanes, trains, buses, ferries) and transportation hubs (such as airports, stations, and seaports). This is increasingly important as the risk for transmission increases in the community. [3] When choosing to wear a mask, ensure your mask provides the best fit and filtration (respirators like N95, KN95 and KN94 are best). [4] If you’ve had a significant exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, wear a mask for 10 days.”
Importantly, the March 13, 2023 changes will not apply to certain health care personnel, emergency medical services personnel or skilled nursing facility residents. Rather, those businesses have industry-specific guidance, discussed more fully below. The Order also notes that the Cal/OSHA Non-Emergency Regulations, and for some businesses, the Cal/OSHA Aerosol Transmittable Disease Standards, may require a different application of the rules.
There are several updates specific to health care settings, effective April 3, 2023:
Remember that local jurisdictions remain authorized to (and do) implement additional COVID-19 requirements, which may be more restrictive than state or federal requirements. Be sure to review the federal, state and applicable local rules regularly.
Despite our collective desire to put the pandemic in our rear-view mirrors, the COVID-19 rules, regulations and guidance remain ever-evolving. Constant vigilance is required to remain in compliance. LightGabler will continue to provide updates as additional information is provided by the CDPH or Cal/OSHA on these topics.
For questions regarding COVID-19 requirements or assistance with other employment law issues, contact the attorneys at LightGabler.
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