Tuesday, September 13, 2016
7:30 to 9:00 a.m.
No charge to attend (RSVP is required). Continental breakfast will be served.
Best Western Posada Royale Hotel
1775 Madera Road, Simi Valley, CA 93065
Presenter: Karen L. Gabler
There is no cost to attend, but reservations are required.
To register, call 805.248.7089 or send an email to .
Defining the employee's role is a critical component of workplace productivity, strategic planning and legal compliance. Job descriptions, if properly prepared, can provide guidance for employees on meeting the company's goals and the supervisor's expectations -- while at the same time protecting against workplace litigation.
In this practical and informative seminar, employment law attorney Karen L. Gabler will discuss best practices and legal tips for creating effective job descriptions. Topics covered will include the following:
Attendance is complimentary, but reservations are required. To enable us to plan for your attendance, please rsvp at least 24 hours in advance. If you reserve a spot and then later find that you are unable to attend, please inform us in advance so that we may offer your seat to someone else.
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