San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Noon-1:30 pm
Members: $25, Future Members: $35, Price includes program and lunch.
Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center Auditorium
1010 Murray Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA
Free parking is available in the rear lot or structure past the front lobby. Access the Auditorium through the Outpatient Services entrance with the blue awning.
Presenters: Jonathan Fraser Light and Susan S. Waag
You may register through the SLO Chamber of Commerce at website, or
By telephone, please call (805) 781-2670
By fax, fax your registration along with your credit card information to (805) 543-1255
Once again, California is awash in new Employment Laws. This program will drill down into the most confusing and complex of the new 2017 laws that most affect employers. We’ll start with a December Supreme Court ruling that upended the rest break rules, the new minimum wage requirements, piece rate compensation laws and what are you legally allowed to ask a potential employee. Come to hear these new laws explained, and get your questions answered.
Among the key topics to be discussed are:
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