Tuesday, May 23, 2017
7:30 am-9:00am (Continental breakfast will be served)
No charge; RSVP is required.
Mulligans Cafe & Bar
3500 McCaw Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Presenter: Jonathan Fraser Light
Click here to register.
Alternative dispute resolution can cut down on legal fees and efficiently resolve disputes with employees. In this informative seminar, employment law attorney Jonathan Fraser Light will discuss the ins and outs of using mediation successfully in employee disputes; how insurance applies and the role of the insurance adjuster; how to select a mediator and who pays for the mediator; the preparation appropriate for mediation and when to use it in the context of an employee demand letter or filed litigation; the difference between mediation and arbitration; the cost and process of the actual mediation day; how the money is paid; what happens if you aren't successful; and the HR professional's role in the preparation and mediation process.
Topics covered will include:
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