Tuesday, May 23, 2017
7:30 am-9:00am (Continental breakfast will be served)
No charge; RSVP is required.
Best Western Posada Royale
1775 Madera Road
Simi Valley, CA, 93065
Presenter: Karen L. Gabler
Click here to register.
Most employers realize that documentation of employee performance issues and clear termination memoranda is a critical step in motivating performance and defending against future claims. The question remains, however: what exactly should be in that documentation? How nice (or harsh) do I have to be? What should I say or not say? How can I encourage better performance? How do I protect myself if my employee complains?
In this practical and informative seminar, employment law attorney Karen L. Gabler will discuss the detailed steps involved in creating an effective performance memo. Topics covered will include the following:
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