Tuesday, September 12, 2017
7:30 am-9:00am (Continental breakfast will be served)
No charge; RSVP is required.
Oxnard Courtyard Marriott
600 Esplanade Dr.
Oxnard, CA
Presenter: Karen L. Gabler
Click here to register.
Preparing annual employee performance evaluations is a task often dreaded by managers and human resource professionals alike. And yet, documenting performance is critical for employee productivity, workplace morale, effective supervisor-subordinate communication and legal protection. Like all employee documentation, poorly-prepared evaluations can be more dangerous than no evaluations at all. Making sure this all-important process is handled smoothly and effectively can make or break the following year.
In this practical and informative seminar, employment law attorney Karen L. Gabler will discuss the detailed steps involved in preparing and presenting year-end performance reviews for employees. Topics covered will include the following:
PLEASE NOTE: Attendance is limited to no more than three people from each company.
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