Tuesday, October 10, 2017
7:30 am-9:00am (Continental breakfast will be served)
No charge; RSVP is required.
Oxnard Courtyard Marriott
600 Esplanade Dr.
Oxnard, CA
Presenter: Karen L. Gabler
Click here to register.
"Out with the old, in with the new" ....the end of any year brings with it a desire to "clean house" and prepare for the new year. California employers are no exception...what steps should you be taking at the end of each year to close out the past year and prepare your workplace for the new year?
In this practical and informative seminar, employment law attorney Karen L. Gabler will discuss the workplace "best practices" every California employer should implement at the end of each calendar year. Topics covered will include the following:
PLEASE NOTE: Attendance is limited to no more than three people from each company.
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